Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To be a Common Man

For the past couple of weeks, I have been reading about the country's largest ever IT scam. Things suddenly exploded which initially looked like just a step of the IT Company’s expansion. I thought of not putting my thoughts on this as I am probably too small to be read. But I guess, the only disclaimer that I would like to put here is that I am just talking from the perspective of the common Indian man. So here I go…

I always wonder how few people sitting at the top can manage such a disaster or even plan to do so? Why their conscience does always comes last after they have managed to screw up so many things and that too after years. I was reading the mail sent by the CEO of the "tainted" company. The 2 points he made there were simply amazing. The first one was “Riding the tiger, not knowing when to get off it”. Well!! If you knew it was a Tiger, then why did you do it in the first place? The second statement is still wonderful. “I am ready to face the law of the land?” My question, are you trying to show respect towards the law? Why did you not respect it previously? Or is it that you are too sure that you will be out of danger if you face the law of this country?

Does he even know that he has not only tainted his own company’s image but India’s corporate image also? I am sure that rest of the Indian corporate world would emerge stronger in this crisis. But what about its employees, I can't think of their mental trauma now. This company claims to have good culture and asks employees to abide by their culture. Do they know that they have ruined so many lives? The youngsters, the family men, women, its unbearable! Because of their “Values (?)” it will become difficult for these people to find jobs elsewhere, to settle down somewhere else. Everybody will look at them and ask them the "Real" story.

The people involved in this scam filled their pockets but what about the people who have some dreams to be fulfilled yet. I definitely know that I am not wrong, when I feel that it’s not just a one man's job to cook the account books. It really requires coordinated effort or may be "Systematic Process”. Not only the CEO, but the people involved in it will get off the Tiger easily but will leave thousands of their employees in front of the hungry Tiger. God save those innocent people from that tiger. I hope God gives them all the strength to face the tide. As always (I am a Common Man), this time also I am sending my good wishes to you guys. All the best!!

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