Sunday, February 27, 2011


I should have been filling my self evaluation in goal sheet assigned to me instead of writing this blog. Couple of days left to tell how I performed in last six month against those goals. But something in me, yes in me, is keeping me away from it. I thought I will put it on blog. These are some of the people in my life, who are not part of this world now. The time has passed and it is a big healer. But sometimes when I am alone, the wind blows the pages of memory and they are in front of me.
Laxman, he came to my class when I was in 4th grade. I completed my primary education in my own village. Before he joined me, I was the only “intelligent” student of my class. But he was equally good; in fact better than I was, in many aspects. He was the only brother of his two elder sisters and of course the only boy in the family. He never had healthy body; often he used to fall sick. But, his grasping power was great. That was my first encounter with the competition, tough competition to perform better than him. Apart from that one competition, we became good friends. But suddenly I found 2 parties within the class, one supporting him and other supporting me. Prime Reason for that was the home work, and friends with whom we used to share it. Until now, I was the only source for other students to copy the homework. But now, they had an option. But, he was a team player and he never fought with me over the grades or over the “party” issue. Rather he used to maintain a low profile over his brilliance. He also used to finish his chores and help his family. Now I feel, he could have easily surpassed me in studies, had he devoted more time and if he had good immunity for the seasons and common diseases. I breathed a sigh of relief when I came to know that he moved to some other school after completing 4th grade. But it was painful to know that, after a year or so, he succumbed to a common disease. I knew I lost him forever.
Pallavi, her name was apt for her attitude towards life. Very bubbly, chit chatter, sporty and talented. She was full of life. I met her, when I moved to high school in a near by town. I was a bit tensed looking at big classrooms, dedicated teachers for each subject, unknown students and my difficulty to communicate in English. It’s the time, when a person searches for a comfort zone, and Pallavi provided that. She used to sit behind me in the class of 60-70 students. She made me quite comfortable in the huge classroom. Because of her, I got to know my new school better; I started interacting with teachers and my new classmates. As time passed by, I became friends with many, but Pallavi always stayed above all. She could talk for hours together and I had to actually stop her at times. Students in our class started teasing me and relating my name with her. But we never bothered, for me, she was a sister of my dreams and she used to think of me as her elder brother. One day, she suddenly started breathing heavily and almost fell off her class bench. Something was wrong. She didn’t come to class for months after that incident. We all used to get news of her being ill with some heart disease. She joined the class after a prolonged medical treatment, but she could not continue. I couldn’t gather the courage of meeting her. The fear of loosing her after building so much of attachment was making me nervous. She left the school and I didn’t meet her for a decade. Last time, when I went to see her gathering all courage, she was still the same old chatter box, but was searching for life. Some days back she gave up ….I cried silently.
Nana, my Grandfather, he was a comfort factor of our family. We were fearless, when Nana used to be around. Though my parents told me that he used to wear Half-Pants, since my childhood days, I have seen him with Dhoti. When he used to be in Temple, he used to wear the silk dhoti otherwise on all other days it was white Dhoti. He used to be a “Chain- Paan Eater”. But he never used to like us looking at him, when he was preparing a Paan for himself. He was largely involved in temple activities. He didn’t have all pleasures of family life, but he solved problems of others through his involvement in temple. He was a highly respected person and people remember him till date. He had the unique habit of going to market in the morning and returning by taxi, a luxury thing to do in the 80’s. When I lost my mother, He left house, never to return again. After my mother’s death we were only males left in the family and he could not digest that fact. After almost 12 -14 years we performed his last riots, as suggested by Religious books and Law.
Aai, my own Mother. It is very difficult to write something about her. I will never find words and no blog of mine can ever cover her. All I can say, she was the most beautiful woman for me. But one thing is sure, the good things that I possess, whatever that is good in me, are all hers, the bad things are all mine. I kept this last, I knew, I don’t have words for her ….

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